2024 U.S. Election and the Potential Impact on Our Portfolios

September 5, 2024

Watching the U.S. election can feel stressful, and it’s easy to overestimate how much influence a president or election has on portfolios. While the current campaign stirs anxiety for investors, it’s important to remember that markets often react less dramatically than expected
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Capital Gains Canada vs US

August 22, 2024

In both countries there are a number of situations where calculating capital gains is not required (I.e. the Principal Residence Exemption in Canada) and I will dig into some of those in a couple of weeks.
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Nest Eggs

August 13, 2024

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Planning for Emigrating to the US

July 23, 2024

The last few weeks I’ve talked about a bunch of high-level stuff for Canadians that emigrate to another country. I touched on your Canadian investment accounts, how CPP and US Social Security integrate and what is a PFIC. Today let’s start a series that digs a bit deeper on planning stuff for those of you that are moving to the US.
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Emigrant Estate Planning

July 22, 2024

You’ve decided to leave Canada. You’ve worked with your advisor to get everything sorted out with your investments, banking and insurance. You’ve got a new place to live and have packed everything for the long journey.
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CPP Contributions When Leaving Canada

June 11, 2024

This week, let’s talk about what happens to your CPP contributions when you leave Canada.
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Emigrating from Canada: Investment Accounts

May 22, 2024

What happens to your investment accounts when you emigrate from Canada?
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Stars Have Never Aligned Better for Canadian Property Investors

May 21, 2024

The appeal of real estate investing is that it’s a hard, tangible asset compared to stocks and bonds, which are valued subjectively and, as a result, susceptible to volatility.
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